1.- Hello guys! Please, press "play":
Pay Attention!
2.- Let´s Remember:
Frequency adverbs:
always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
Time expressions:
- Every day / week / Friday…
- on Mondays / Sundays…
- at the weekend…
- in the morning / afternoon…
- in winter / spring…
- once a day / week…
"My brother always gets up at 6:00 am, and then wash his face, and brush his teeth."
3.- Let´s practice!, add s/es/ies to the verbs! (post your result in the "comments" area for further check)
My Brother’s Daily Routine
My brother always gets up at 6:00 am, and then wash his face, and brush his teeth. After breakfast, he go to college at 7:00 am. He study history and English and he always pass his exams with an A+ grade! Then, he hurry back home at around 4:00 pm and do his homework before he has dinner at 6:30 pm, and then he watch TV in the evenings. In his free time he play tennis and read magazines. He also has a part-time job two days a week: he teach English and Spanish at a local college!
4.- Let´s take the quiz!
Room: GARZA7194
*Here you can download the quiz!
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Task E_Activity 05_Dessigning a Lesson
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Hello Teacher: These are my answers.
ResponderEliminarMy Brother’s Daily Routine
My brother always gets up at 6:00 am, and then washes his face, and brushes his teeth. After breakfast, he goes to college at 7:00 am. He studies history and English and he always passes his exams with an A+ grade! Then, he hurry back home at around 4:00 pm and does his homework before he has dinner at 6:30 pm, and then he watches TV in the evenings. In his free time he plays tennis and reads magazines. He also has a part-time job two days a week: he teaches English and Spanish at a local college!
Best regars,
Student 1
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